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Teli Ma
Ph.D. Student
AI Thrust, Infomation Hub
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
Guangzhou Campus

Email: telima9868@gmail.com; tma184@connect.hkust-gz.edu.cn

Google Scholar


Teli Ma is currently a first-year Ph.D. student in Artificial Intelligence at HKUST, GZ, where he is conducting research under the guidance of Prof. Junwei Liang. He earned the B.S. degree in Automatic Control from Honors College of Beihang University (BUAA) supervised by Prof. Baochang Zhang and Prof. David Doermann (from UB). After that, he worked as a Research Engineer in OpenGVLab of Shanghai AI Lab led by Prof. Yu Qiao, under the supervision of Dr. Peng Gao and Prof. Hongsheng Li.

His research interests include representation learning, vision-language understanding and embodied AI & robotics.


  • Mar. 2024: One paper accepted to NAACL 2024 [project homepage].

  • Oct. 2023: Go to Paris for ICCV 2023, nice trip!

  • Sep. 2023: Nominated by the PCs as a reviewer of ICLR 2024.

  • Sep. 2023: Honored to be the representative of new PG students at the orientation of INFO Hub.

  • Aug. 2023: CLIP-Adapter is accepted by IJCV finally.

  • Jul. 2023: One paper accepted to ICCV 2023 [SyncTrack].

  • Nov. 2022: One paper accepted to AAAI 2023 [ReBNN (oral)].

  • Oct. 2022: One paper accepted to BMVC 2022.

  • Oct. 2022: One paper accepted to NeurIPS 2022 [MCMAE/ConvMAE (spotlight, 3.7% acceptance rate, 384/10411)].

  • Jul. 2022: Two papers accepted to ECCV 2022 [IDa-Det][RBONNs (oral, 2.7% acceptance rate, 158/5803)].

  • Oct. 2021: One paper accepted to NeurIPS 2021 [DSNet].


  • PG scholarship of HKUST(GZ), 2023

  • Excellent Intern Award of Baidu. Inc, 2021

  • Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis of BUAA, 2020

  • Honor Undergraduate Degree of BUAA, 2020

  • Excellent Student Scholarship of BUAA, 2018

Academic Services

  • Reviewer of ICLR2024, CVPR2024, ICML2024, ECCV2024, NeurIPS2024

  • Reviewer of CVPR2023, ICCV2023, NeurIPS2023

  • Emergency reviewer of CVPR2022

Teaching Assistant Experience

  • AIAA 5032 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

  • Spring, 2024, HKUST(GZ)
    Instructor: Dr. Junwei Liang